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In the last days, mankind will dwell in a war-torn world! Conventional battles, nuclear exchanges and supernatural demonic invasions are coming.

The FUTURE WAR Prophecies book and DVD locates the battlefields, identifies the participants, explains the motives, provides the details and explores the outcomes of these coming world changing conflicts which include:
• Israel vs. Iran and its proxies,
• The destruction of Damascus in Isaiah 17,
• The final Arab-Israeli war of Psalm 83,
• The Russian coalition’s invasion of Israel in Ezekiel 38,
• The two Christian-killing crusades of the Tribulation Period,
• The demonic invasion that torments unsaved people for 5 months,
• The 200-million demonic army that kills one-third of humankind,
• The war in heaven between Michael the archangel vs. Satan,
• The battle of Armageddon between Jesus Christ vs. Antichrist,
• The final Gog of Magog War at the end of the Millennium.

These wars and more are covered in this revealing book. Don’t be caught in the crossfire! Discover what wars are coming so that you can keep yourself and your loved ones out of harm’s way.
Order your copy of this Book for only $17.95 plus shipping & handling.

This DVD contains two messages:
1. The FUTURE WAR Prophecies
2. The War of Ezekiel 38
Order your copy of this DVD for only $17.95 plus shipping & handling.

Order your copies of both the Book & DVD for only $33.95 plus shipping & handling.

Watch the official trailer for The FUTURE WAR Prophecies

Spiritual Survival Kit For Those Left Behind...NEW YEARS SPECIAL! Now only $49.95!

This USB Flash Drive has been primarily designed to help someone who has been left behind after the Rapture of the Christian Church. It shows them how to get saved and learn how to survive the Seven-Year Tribulation Period. It contains a Bible, some simple Read Me instructions and the 5 books and teaching DVDS from the Bill Salus end times series entitled, From HERE to ETERNITY. The Here to Eternity series contains over 1400 pages of biblical commentary and 8 hours of prophetic video productions. It includes the following books and companion DVDS.

The NOW Prophecies – These prophecies lack preconditions and could happen at the present time.
The NEXT Prophecies – These prophecies have a few minor preconditions, but are currently stage-setting for fulfillment.
The LAST Prophecies, The Prophecies in the First 3 ½ Years of the Tribulation – These prophecies happen in the first half of the Tribulation Period.
The FINAL Prophecies, The Prophecies in the Last 3 ½ Years of the Tribulation – These prophecies happen in the final half of the Tribulation Period.
The MILLENNIUM Prophecies and the NEW JERUSALEM – These are the prophecies that happen when Jesus Christ lives upon and reigns over the earth after His Second Coming and on into Eternity.

If someone is fleeing from persecution, this invaluable instructional content can also be viewed on a cell phone via an attachment chord.

Order your copy for only $49.95 plus shipping & handling. CLICK HERE

Watch the official trailer for the Spiritual Survival Kit (SSK) for Those Left Behind Flash Drive

It’s the Bible Newspaper that examines current events through the prophetic lens. Click the image to visit our news site.

Dr. Bill Salus Latest Videos

Bill Salus TV Teachings & Interviews of the Past
on Saturday, February 20, 2016 by

The teachings of Bill Salus have been featured on many popular Christian TV networks internationally, like TBN, CBN, and Daystar to name a few.

This video explains why Zechariah 12:1-9 IS NOT dealing with ARMAGEDDON, but IS dealing with the conclusion of the ARAB-ISRAELI CONFLICT.

This timely video identifies the valid biblical and geo-political reasons that support an Israeli strike upon Iran’s nuclear sites. It also sheds new light on the unfulfilled ancient prophecy of Elam (Iran) in Jeremiah 49:34-39.

Does Psalm 83 Describe Israel’s War BEFORE Gog & Magog?
On this Watchman Newscast, host Erick Stakelbeck is joined by author Bill Salus of Prophecy Depot Ministries to break down the Bible’s mysterious Psalm 83 passage and whether it describes a future war between Israel and its enemies, led by Iran and its proxies. Some say this passage was already fulfilled in 1967 or 1948. However, Salus believes these events have yet to take place and will transpire before the war of Gog and Magog.

Dr. Bill Salus Recent Articles

Are Ezekiel 38 And 39 In Armageddon?

This article provides solid arguments against Ezekiel 38 and 39 being a prophecy happening as an Armageddon event.[…]

Prophetic Proof: Jerusalem and Judah Belong to the Jews

This article will prove prophetically through Zechariah 12:1, as supported by a sequence of historically fulfilled foretold events, that Jerusalem and Judah belongs exclusively to the Jews.[…]

Zechariah 12: The War Before Armageddon

The primary purpose of this in-depth Bible prophecy study is to show that Zechariah 12:1-9 IS NOT dealing with ARMAGEDDON, but IS dealing with the conclusion of the ARAB-ISRAELI CONFLICT.[…]

Why Israel Will Likely Strike Iran’s Nuclear Sites

This article provides 9 valid reasons why Israel will likely strike Iran's nuclear sites.[…]

Shocking Prophetic Revelation: Ezekiel 28 Precedes Ezekiel 38...

Revealing the Sidon prophecy in Ezekiel 28:20-26 and its Hezbollah connections…

This article explains why Ezekiel 28 happens prior to Ezekiel 38 and also identifies the potential Hezbollah prophecies in the Bible.[…]

Blockade the Waterways: Gog of Magog’s “Evil Plan”

This article develops the possibility that the Russian – Iranian led coalition of Ezekiel invaders implements a two-prong “choke and capture” campaign. Step one involves a possible political boycott of Israel’s booty, and step two matures into a military campaign to capture that booty.[…]

Revealing the Ancient Mystery of the Missing Time-Gap – (The Post-Rapture/Pre-Tribulation Thesis) (Important New Theological Article)

Discover how the REVEALING of the ANCIENT MYSTERY of the MISSING TIME-GAP unlocks the Pre-Tribulation timing of the: Rapture, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The Harlot World Religion of Mystery Babylon, Persecution of the Fifth Seal Saints, Decline of Islam, True Content of the False Covenant that starts the Seven-Year Tribulation Period. Bill Salus shares his incredible dissertation online. If you thought his revelatory discoveries on Psalm 83 and Jeremiah 49 were amazing, you will be equally impressed by his latest revelations.[…]

Order the Bill Salus book entitled, The FINAL Prophecies
The FINAL Prophecies, The Prophecies in the Last 3 ½ Years of the Tribulation, is book four of an end-time series, and below are just a few of the prophecies it explores:

Mystery Babylon and the Harlot world religion,
The rise of the Antichrist and False Prophet,
The Image of the Beast and Mark of the Beast,
The cashless global economy of the Antichrist,
The Antichrist attempts Jewish and Christian genocide,
The WRATH of GOD pours out of the Seven Bowl Judgments,
The Antichrist assembles his armies for Armageddon,
The Second Coming of JESUS CHRIST!

Click Here to ORDER the book for $16.95 plus Shipping & Handling
Click Here to ORDER the DVD for $16.95 plus Shipping & Handling
Click Here to buy all 4 books in this series for $54.95 plus Shipping & Handling
Click Here to look at other book and DVD discounted bundle options.

Watch The FINAL Prophecies Book Trailer

The Prophetic Mideast Wars DVD is a timely PowerPoint teaching by Bill Salus that addresses the following topics:

- The timing and details of Ezekiel 38,
- Why America is likely the young lions of Tarshish in Ezekiel 38,
- How America loses its superpower status,
- The disaster in Iran as per the prophecy of Elam,
- The destruction of Damascus in Isaiah 17,
- How Israel suffers a severe attack in Isaiah 17,
- The toppling of Jordan as per the Ammonite prophecies,
- How Jerusalem becomes a “Cup of Trembling,”
- How the IDF defeats the Arab states in Psalm 83,
- The spiritual showdown between Christianity and Islam.
- This DVD points out how Mideast peace gets achieved militarily through prophetic wars,

Rather than diplomatically via politically brokered agreements.
Watch over one-hour and ten-minutes of highly relevant teaching by one of today’s top Bible prophecy experts.

Order your copy for only $15.95 plus shipping & handling.

Click HERE to order THE PROPHETIC MIDEAST WARS DVD for $15.95 + Shipping and Handling!

order the new Bill Salus book entitled, The LAST Prophecies – The Prophecies in the First 3 ½ Years of the Tribulation. See the options below.

This is book three of an end times series that attempts to chronologically order the prophecies of the last days.

Click HERE to read the book synopsis.

Single Buying Options
Click HERE to order The Last Prophecies book for $16.95 + Shipping and Handling!

Click HERE to order The Last Prophecies DVD for $16.95 + Shipping and Handling!

Click HERE to order The Last Prophecies Book & DVD Bundle for $32.95 + Shipping and Handling!

Bundle Buying Options
Buy all 3 books

Click HERE to order The Last Prophecies book and bundle it with, The NOW Prophecies (book 1) and The NEXT Prophecies (book 2) for $39.95 + Shipping and Handling.

Buy all 3 books and the 2 teaching DVD’s

Click HERE to order The LAST Prophecies book and bundle it with The NOW Prophecies book and DVD and The NEXT Prophecies book and 2-disc DVD for $59.95 + Shipping and Handling.

Watch The LAST Prophecies Book Trailer

The Tribulation Timelines of The LAST Prophecies (ARTICLE)

This article provides some images included in The LAST Prophecies book that display the timeline of events that occur within the Seven-Year Tribulation Period.[…]

Introducing the Bill Salus novel entitled, The Apocalypse Revelations

The world has been thrust into chaos and uncertainty. Epic prophetic wars are happening in the Middle East. Millions of Christians just disappeared, apparitions of the Virgin Mary have reappeared, meanwhile the Antichrist begins his charismatic career. The apocalypse has finally arrived!

Take an end times journey with an American and Israeli family as they experience these and other ancient biblical predictions roll off their parchments and pound onto the pavement packing a powerful global punch. Will the Thompson’s survive this perilous period?

It’s not enough to simply talk about these Bible prophecies, but it’s important to understand how they will impact our lives when they find their fulfillment. This is the true intent of this Bill Salus novel. The Apocalypse Revelations takes the readers through the foretold travails of the end times. Follow a family as they experience the prophecies that are destined to change the world forever.

This book merges together the novel sections in the books called, Revelation Road, Hope Beyond the Horizon and Apocalypse Road, Revelation for the Final Generation. These two books combined a novel with a biblical commentary. However, now you can read those two novels as one stand-alone book. Also included, are a few new appendices.

This book chronologically orders the events that happen soon between now and the start of the final 7-year Tribulation Period. These events take you through the Church Age and beyond into the gap the follows it, but precedes the turbulent 7-years of final tribulation.

Experience the End Times through the eyes of the Thompson family, and discover how their gripping story uncovers the silver lining of hope against the backdrop of global gloom and doom... Their family tale could soon become your reality!

Order your copy for only $16.95 plus shipping & handling. CLICK HERE

Bill Salus Latest TV and Radio Broadcasts

Bill Salus TV Teachings & Interviews of the Past
on Saturday, February 20, 2016 by

The teachings of Bill Salus have been featured on many popular Christian TV networks internationally, like TBN, CBN, and Daystar to name a few. You can watch these TV teachings and interviews at this link. […]

Nuclear Showdown in Iran, The Ancient Prophecy of Elam

Nuclear Showdown in Iran, The Ancient Prophecy of Elam

Missiles cloud Mideast skies over the Persian Gulf. Iran shuts down the Strait of Hormuz. Arab oil is choked off to world markets. Hezbollah and Hamas launch scores of missiles into Israel. Terror cells initiate cycles of violence in America. Global economies begin to collapse.

Radioactivity permeates the skies over Bushehr’s nuclear reactor. Countless Iranian’s hastily seek refuge into neighboring nations. The Arabian Gulf becomes a cesspool of contamination. Desalinization plants can’t process the polluted waters. A humanitarian crisis burgeons out of control. A disaster of epic biblical proportion has finally arrived in the Middle East!

About 2600 years ago the Hebrew prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel issued parallel end times prophecies concerning modern-day Iran. Today the rogue country is becoming a nuclear nation and aggressively advancing its hegemony throughout the greater Middle East.

Nuclear Showdown in Iran, The Ancient Prophecy of Elam is a non-fiction thriller taking the reader on a journey of discovery through the eyes of the prophets and the minds of today’s key national players.Can anything good come from the evil that is about to befall us? The ancient prophecy of Elam will reveal what God has ordained, what the prophets saw and what you need to know and do now.

Buy the Nuclear Showdown book or DVD Click Here

PSALM 83, The Missing Prophecy Revealed ? How Israel Becomes the Next Mideast Superpower

PSALM 83, The Missing Prophecy Revealed ? How Israel Becomes the Next Mideast Superpower"
An ancient prophecy written over 3000 years ago reveals that the Arab states and terrorist populations, which presently share common borders with Israel, will soon confederate in order to wipe Israel off of the map. These enemies of Israel are depicted on the red arrows upon the book cover image, and their mandate is clear:

They have said, "Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more." (Psalm 83:4).

Psalm 83 predicts a climactic, concluding Arab-Israeli war that has eluded the discernment of today's top Bible scholars, and yet, the Middle East stage appears to be set for the fulfillment of this prophecy. While many of today's top Bible experts are predicting that Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya, and several other countries are going to invade Israel according a prophecy in Ezekiel 38, this timely book explains how Psalm 83 occurs prior. Discover how Israel defeats their ancient Arab enemies, and why Americans need to stand beside Israel in this coming war!

Order Psalm 83 Today. Purchase your copy for only $15.99, or become a ministry partner and receive a free copy.

Click to read the introduction with the endorsements. Click to become a Prophecy Depot Ministry Partner.

Psalm 83 The Missing Prophecy Revealed DVD America and the Coming Mideast Wars DVD

Upcoming Events

If you would like to have Bill Salus come speak at your conference or church contact (phone) 714-376-5487 or (email) prophecydepotministries@gmail.com[…]