Interview with Dr. David Reagan Part 1
on Thursday, November 20, 2008 by Bill SalusGOD BLESS AMERICA or GOD JUDGE AMERICA?

Is God about to Judge America, the beautiful but no longer the bountiful? Prophecy expert Dr. David Reagan of Lamb and Lion Ministries pours his prophetic heart out in this 2 part radio series, which is hosted by best-selling author of the recently released book Isralestine, The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East, Bill Salus.
In part one Bill interviews his friend Dr. Reagan in what promises to bring the listeners down to their knees in prayer, and up to date on the prophetic calendar. Find out about the timing of the Rapture of the Christian Church, the rapidly approaching Psalm 83 Arab – Israeli War, the Russian – Iranian led nuclear equipped Ezekiel 38 & 39 invasion of Israel, and what David’s sincere concerns are for America and its new President-Elect, Barack Obama.
Listen to Part 1 of the Dr. David Reagan Interview
Please Note: The audio interview associated with this post is missing. If you are aware of a copy of this interview available on the internet please contact us. Thank you.