Revelation Road Released – NEW PROPHETIC INSIGHTS!
on Sunday, January 22, 2012 by Bill Salus
You can view the topics taught inside the Revelation Road commentary through the “Companion’s Commentary” table of contents below.
Chapter 1—Iran Prepares for the Apocalypse!
Topics Covered: Can the Future of the Middle East be Known?
Overview of Psalm 83
Chapter 2—Troublesome Times on Humanity’s Horizon
Topics Covered: Basic Introduction to the Tribulation and the Rapture
The Pre-Tribulation Prophecies
The Gap Hypothesis
Chapter 3— Tribulation Generation
Topics Covered: End-Time’s Christian Survival
End-Time’s Christian Denial
The Final Generation has been Pre-appointed
Faith’s Final Frontier
The Two Types of Last Days Christians
Humanity’s Last Day’s Heart Condition
Chapter 4—Israel Comes Under Multi-front Attack!
Topics Covered: The Mideast Stage is Set for the Apocalyptic Wars
The Text of Psalm 83
The Potential for Psalm 83 Israeli War Casualties
The Three Trains of Thought on Psalm 83 Israeli War Casualties
Chapter 5— Panic in Damascus
Topics Covered: Isaiah 17—The Destruction of Damascus
Chapter 6—There’s Trouble in Tehran and Destruction in Damascus
Topics Covered: The Destruction of Damascus
The Attack Against Iran’s Nuclear Sites
Jeremiah 49:34-39 Commentary
Historical Overview of Jeremiah’s Elamite Prophecy
Iran Fiercely Angers the Lord
The Future of Iran
The Lord Establishes Authority over Elam
Chapter 7— Israel Attacks Iranian Nuclear Sites
Topics Covered: Why Iran’s Absent from Psalm 83
Iran is Persian and Psalm 83 is Arab
The Dual End-Time Prophecies of Iran
The Bleak Future of Islam
Chapter 8— Arabs Unite to Fight—Is it Psalm 83, Ezekiel 38 or Armageddon?
Topics Covered: It’s Not Armageddon, Yet
What is Armageddon, Anyway?
The Armageddon, Psalm 83, and Ezekiel 38 Distinctions
Why Satan Hates Jews
The Destruction of Damascus Creates a Harvest Field
Bible Prophecy is a Christian Witnessing Tool
Chapter 9—The Final Arab – Israeli War!
Topics Covered: When Diplomacy Ends, War Begins
The Ancient Arab Hatred of the Jews
The Ezekiel 35 – Psalm 83 Connection
Ezekiel 35 and Author Commentary
Why the World Rejoices When Israel Wins
Who is Ezekiel 35 Identifying as Mount Seir?
Why Ezekiel 35 is Not an Armageddon Event
What is the Glorious Land of Daniel 11:41?
Chapter 10— The Russian-Iranian Nuclear Connection
Topics Covered: Ezekiel 38-39 Overview
Where on Earth is the Church, God’s People Presently, at the Time of this Event?
Chapter 11— Terrorists Attack America Again!
Topics Covered: Will Terrorist’s Attack America Again?
Islamic Extremists Identify America as the Great Satan
America Slips from Superpower Status, According to Bible Experts
The Primary Views About America’s Location in the Bible
America Experiences Divine Remedial Judgments
If Remedial Warnings Go Unheeded, Divine Judgment Results
Chapter 12—The Arabs Surrender!
Topics Covered: The Timing of the Rapture
The Pre-Psalm 83 Rapture
The Pre-Ezekiel 38 Rapture
Why Ezekiel 38 is Probably Pre-Trib
Replacement Theology
Israel, God’s Modern Day Miracle
More Psalm 83 Details
Chapter 13—Israel, the Next Emerging Market
Topics Covered: Arab War Casualties from Psalm 83
The Post-Psalm 83 Greater Israel
Israel’s Great Booty Includes Arab Spoils of War
Jordan Surrenders Sovereignty to Israel
The Faithful Jewish Remnant of Israel Flees to Southern Jordan
The Protestors of Ezekiel 38:13
Chapter 14—Greater Israel Makes Plans for a Third Temple
Topics Covered: Israel Expands Territorially Into Arab Lands
Israel Dismantles the West Bank Barrier Wall
Millions of Jews Return to Israel
Israel Constructs Third Jewish Temple
Israel Reinstates Animal Sacrifices
Chapter 15—Russia Forms an Evil Plan to Invade Israel
Topics Covered: Gog’s Evil Plan
Gog Gathers Formidable Friends
Gog’s Plan is Strategic
Boycott Israel by Blockading Important Waterways
The Lord Proves He is a Promise Keeper
Chapter 16—The Christian Exodus into the Clouds
Topics Covered: Christians Are Caught Up into the Clouds
Christians Escape the Wrath of God
The Bride of Christ and the Jewish Wedding Models
Is the Rapture Pre-Trib or Pre-Wrath?
Chapter 17—After the Rapture, the World Gets Religious
Topics Covered: After the Rapture, the World Gets Religious
The Coming Evacuation!
The Coming Counterfeit Religions
The Strong Delusion of 2 Thessalonians 2:11
The Three Competing Wills: God’s, Satan’s, and Man’s
The Counterfeit Gospel—The Lie
The Rapture Profoundly Affects America
Chapter 18—Left Behind, the Heavenly Love Letter
Topics Covered: Many Left Behind Will Receive Christ
The Righteous Sheep Gentiles
Introducing the 144,000 Witnesses of Revelation
The 144,000 Witnesses Are Post-Rapture Saints
The 144,000 Witnesses Are Jews for Jesus
The Message of the 144,000 Future Jews for Jesus
The New Testament Mystery of Grafting in Jews and Gentiles
Appendix 1. The Final Century—Christian Survival versus Pagan Revival
Appendix 2. The Three Types of Tribulation
Appendix 3. When Will Damascus be Destroyed?
Appendix 4. Is Ezekiel’s Army About to Face Off with the Arabs?
Appendix 5. Divine Vengeance—The Israel Defense Forces in Bible Prophecy
Appendix 6. Ezekiel: Israel’s Dry Bones Can Fight
Appendix 7. Those Surrounding Israel to be Devoured!
Appendix 8. Palestinians to be Forced to Israel’s Borders!
Appendix 9. Psalm 83 or Ezekiel 38: Which is the Next Middle East News Headline?
Appendix 10. Psalm 83: Has It Found Final Fulfillment?
Appendix 11. Is Ezekiel 38 Imminent?
Appendix 12. Israel Strikes it Rich Someday!
Appendix 13. Is the Church Identified in Psalm 83?
Appendix 14. The Treasured Ones of Psalm 83
Appendix 15. Is Egypt in Psalm 83?
Appendix 16. Is the Arab Spring Setting Up for a Winter War?
Appendix 17. Blockade the Waterways; Gog of Magog’s “Evil Plan”
Appendix 18. Iranistan, The Coming Shiite Crescent
Appendix 19. The Fallible Assumption of Mary
Appendix 20. The Sinner’s Salvation Prayer
Appendix 21. Old Testament Allusions to the Rapture—by Jim Tetlow
Appendix 22. I Will Set Egyptians Against Egyptians
Appendix 23. Jordan to Soon Sever Ties to Israel
Appendix 24. The True Content of Antichrist’s False Covenant
Appendix 25. Egypt’s Forty Years of Desolation
Appendix 26. Images