War Clouds Hover Over The Middle East
on Saturday, June 16, 2012 by Bill SalusISRAEL’S HOUSE IS UNITED! A surprise Coalition May Give Green Light To Attack Iran. Imagine a scenario in which a Republican president formed a unity government with the Democrats, with one being president and the other being vice president. Imagine a Congress where the two parties aligned for a purpose much more important than domestic politics. Something similar to that has happened in Israel and Bill Salus sees it as a sign that Israel is gearing up for war in the very near future.
Bill Salus, author of “Revelation Road, Hope Beyond the Horizon” is a Bible prophecy expert. He watches current events very carefully for signs that indicate possible future events. When he learned that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reached a coalition with his rival party, Kadima that involved naming Kadima leader Shaul Mofaz as deputy Prime Minister, Salus saw something very significant.
“Whether you’re speaking from a secular perspective or a Biblical one,” Salus says, “this spells bad news for Iran.” Often, in politics, leaders fail to act not because they don’t know what’s right but because political consequences are very real considerations. A coalition between rival parties all but takes that off the table, at least domestically.
Internal division is sometimes the biggest obstacle to victory. In Matthew 12:25, the Messiah says, “every city or house divided against itself will not stand.” During the Civil War, American president Abraham Lincoln referred to this very thing in his ‘House Divided’ speech that rallied the north. It is the polar opposite principle of what the enemies of such houses seek to do – divide and conquer.
Salus sees this coalition as, potentially, part of a deal that authorizes Netanyahu to move forward with a preemptive strike on Iran’s nuclear sites. That’s not all, says Salus, who points to another bit of very telling news that came out on the same day reports of the coalition did.
As Netanyahu and Kadima were inking their deal, an Israeli military officer was warning Hezbollah (See Israel Warns Hizbullah Over Responding to Attack on Iran) that any retaliation against Israel after an attack on Iran would lead to all-out war in Lebanon. “These two events – the coalition and this very strong message to Hezbollah – should tell everyone that Israel is in a preparatory state,” Salus said.
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