Revealing the Ancient Mystery of the Missing Time-Gap – (The Post-Rapture / Pre-Tribulation Thesis)
on Tuesday, December 20, 2016 by Bill Salus
Discover how the REVEALING of the ANCIENT MYSTERY of the MISSING TIME-GAP unlocks the Pre-Tribulation timing of the:
* Rapture
* Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
* The Harlot World Religion of Mystery Babylon
* Persecution of the Fifth Seal Saints
* Decline of Islam
* True Content of the False Covenant that starts the Seven-Year Tribulation Period
This Thesis is an integral part of the book entitled, Apocalypse Road, Revelation for the Final Generation. Apocalypse Road combines a novel with a biblical commentary.This dissertation explores the vastly overlooked time interval that exists between the end of the Church Age, which concludes with the Rapture, and the start of the Seven-Year Tribulation Period, which begins with the confirmation of the Covenant of Daniel 9:27 and Isaiah 28:15-18.
Bill Salus shares his incredible dissertation online. If you thought his revelatory discoveries on Psalm 83 and Jeremiah 49 were amazing, you will be equally impressed by his latest revelations
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