An Overview of Ezekiel 38 and 39

on Monday, March 10, 2025 by

Below is a summary outline of the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecies by Dr. Bill Salus.

Ezekiel 38:1-7 lists the nine-member coalition of Gog’s hordes, consisting of armies from Magog, Rosh, Meshech, Tubal, Persia, Ethiopia (Cush), Libya (Put), Gomer, and Togarmah. To discover their modern-day identities, please refer to the Ezekiel 38 Invaders image.

Ezekiel 38:8-10 appropriates the general timing and battlefield location of the invasion. The prophecy occurs in the latter years, upon the land of Israel. Prerequisites of the invasion require that the nation of Israel be reestablished, that the worldwide re-gathering of the Jews be underway, and that the Israelis live in a condition of national security.

The prerequisites are below.

* Jews “regathered” from the nations,

* In the “latter years,”

* Brought back from the “sword” of persecution,

* Into the land of “Israel,” which had “long been desolate,”

* Dwelling as a “peaceful people,” 

* Living in a “land of unwalled villages,”

* “Dwelling securely” and “without walls, bars nor gates,”

* Having “silver and gold” and  “acquired livestock & goods,”

* A prosperous nation possessing “booty” and “great plunder.”

Presently, Israel has not experienced the fulfillment of all these above preconditions. However, after a few upcoming future war prophecies happen, Israel will dwell securely in a land of unwalled villages and without walls, bars nor gates. These prophecies include:

Jeremiah 12:14-17, Ezekiel 28:20-26, Psalm 83 and the peripheral related prophecies below.

IDF vs SYRIA – (Isaiah 17:9, Jer. 49:23-27)

IDF vs LEBANON – (Psalm 83:7, Ezek. 28:20-24)

IDF vs PALESTINIANS – (Obadiah 1:18, Ezek. 25:14, Psalm 83:6)

IDF vs GAZA – (Ezek. 25:13-14, Psalm 83:7, Isaiah 11:14)

IDF vs JORDAN – (Isaiah 11:14, Jer. 49:2, Ezek. 25:14)

IDF vs EGYPT – (Isaiah 19:1-18, Psalm 83:6)

IDF vs SAUDI ARABIA – (Ezek. 25:14, Jer. 49:8)

IDF vs HOSTILE NEIGHBORS – (Zechariah 12:6, Ezek. 28:24-26)

Ezekiel 38:11-13 informs us that Russia’s leader prepares an evil plan to invade Israel and capture great plunder. The plunder consists of agricultural and commercial goods, as well as gold and silver. At least four more populations are introduced into the prophecy, apparently as protestors. These are Sheba (Yemen), Dedan (Saudi Arabia), the Merchants of Tarshish, (likely the UK), and all their Young Lions, (likely includes the USA).

Ezekiel 38:14 through 39:6 informs us the attackers will be many, and they come against Israel primarily from the north. We are reminded the event finds fulfillment in the “latter days,” and that the Lord warned of the event well in advance. Moreover, these verses confirm that the invaders are destroyed by the Lord, through an Old Testament type of fire and brimstone battle.

This is important to note, because it reminds us that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) of today, are apparently not a factor in this battle. The supernatural methods of warfare are found in Ezekiel 38:19-23 and include:

Ezekiel 39:7-8 provides the Lord’s purpose for personally defeating this massive Mideast invasion.

So I will make My holy name known in the midst of My people Israel, and I will not let them profane My holy name anymore. Then the nations shall know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel. Surely it is coming, and it shall be done,” says the Lord GOD. “This is the day of which I have spoken.” (Ezekiel 39:7-9)

It is vital to recognize the significance of what the prophet Ezekiel declares in these verses. They represent the summation of the divine purpose surrounding this prophetic event. He is emphasizing that the God of his people, the Jews, is upholding His Holy Name in the end times through the nation of Israel.

Ezekiel 39:9-10 clues us in to the types of weaponry the invaders possess. Israel will be able to convert the enemy weapons into fuel for at least seven years. The picture is of energy provision for the entire nation, rather than a few isolated households. Ezekiel 39:9 says “those who dwell in the cities” utilize this converted weapons-grade fuel. The widespread use and lengthy seven-year span suggests that the weapons must be far more sophisticated than wooden bows and arrows, which would undoubtedly only last a short while.

These missiles and rockets probably include the ABCs of weaponry—atomic, biological, and chemical. We can presume this because these types of weapons already exist inside the arsenals of Russia and some of their cohorts.

Additionally, the dead soldiers appear to require Hazmat (Hazardous Materials) teams to assist with their burial according to Ezekiel 39:14-16. The fascinating fact is that whatever the weapons configuration, Israel will possess the technological knowledge to convert them into national energy. Today, whether it is cell phones or irrigation techniques, Israel is on the cutting-edge of technological advances.

It can also be noted that America, who often shares technological information with Israel, has been converting Russian nuclear weapons into energy sources for decades. See the related headlines below.

9/9/09 NYT  “Power For US From Russia’s Old Nuclear Weapons.” 

12/11/13 NPR – “Megatons To Megawatts: Russian Warheads Fuel U.S. Power Plants.” 

5/27/17 Interesting engineering “Power For US From Russia’s Old Nuclear Weapons.” 

Researchers are working with government agencies around the world to dismantle the abundant nuclear stockpile and turn them into nuclear fuel.”

3/10/22 The Mighty – “Russian nuclear warheads provided electricity for the US for 20 years.” 

Ezekiel 39:11-16 describes the location of the mass burial grounds of the destroyed armies of Gog. A valley east of what is probably the Dead Sea is renamed the Valley of Hamon Gog, which means the “hordes or multitudes” of Gog, in Hebrew. I believe it refers to a valley in modern-day Jordan. According to Jeremiah 49:2 and Zephaniah 2:8-9, Israel will possess this territory.”

In this section, we also find that the Israelis will be burying the dead in order to cleanse the land. This could imply two things. One, that the hordes of Gog’s dead soldiers are contaminated, requiring a professional quarantined burial and two, that the Jews are adhering to their ancient Levitical Law. Concerning the latter, Dr. Ron Rhodes writes in his book Northern Storm Rising:

From the perspective of the Jews, the dead must be buried because exposed corpses are a source of ritual contamination to the land (Numbers 19:11-22; Deuteronomy 21:1-9). The land must therefore be completely cleansed and purged of all defilement. Neither the enemies nor their belongings (their weapons) can be left to pollute the land!”[i]

Ezekiel 39:17-20 is an invitation “to every sort of bird and to every beast of the field” to partake of the sacrificial meal of the “flesh” and “blood” of the invaders. Presently, these birds of prey are already gathering into Israel in preparation for this feast. This suggests that this is a prophecy about to happen! See the telling headlines below.

1/26/16 Times of Israel “Why Israel is a pilgrimage site for birds.”

1/23/17 Haaretz – “Israel’s 500 Million Birds: The World’s Eighth Wonder

1/24/17Jerusalem Post – “Israeli Vulture Population on the Rise.”

5/22/19 Times of Israel – “Egyptian vultures return to Carmel mountains after 60 years.”

5/6/21 Times of Israel Vulture thought extinct from Israel for 30 years spotted twice in a month.”

9/8/22 Times of Israel – “Bird experts: mass migration poses “scary” flight safety risk at Ben Gurion airport.”

Ezekiel 39:21-29 concludes the chapter with a recap of some Jewish history and a promise to the faithful remnant of Israel that the Lord will pour out His spirit upon them in the end.

[i] Northern Storm Rising – Russia, Iran, And the Emerging End-Times Military Coalition Against Israel – Page 159 under “The Burial of Enemy Bodies for Seven Months (Ezekiel 39:11-12,14-16) Published by Harvest House  – Copyright 2008. Authored by Dr. Ron Rhodes.

Ezekiel 38, When God Defends Israel, the Coming Russian-Iranian led Invasion of the Promised Land

This timely 3-disc DVD explains every facet of the Ezekiel 38 and 39 foretellings. Dr. Bill Salus and Mondo Gonzales of Prophecy Watchers TV take you on a video journey through this soon coming prophecy. You will discover:

1. The Coming Greater and Safer Israel that someday dwells securely without walls, bars nor gates,
2. The Timing, setting and location of the Russian led invasion,
3. The Identity of the invaders,
4. The Motives of these attackers,
5. The Supernatural victory by the LORD,
6. And, the Aftermath Period when Israel buries the dead armies and converts their weapons into energy.

This is the most comprehensive video ever produced on the prophecies of Ezekiel 38 and 39.

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