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The Role of Today’s IDF in Bible Prophecy

From knives, shovels, axes and pitch forks, the typical weaponry associated with refugees, to F-16 fighter jets, Iron Dome missile defense systems and Nuclear Warheads, those resilient Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have managed to defend a nation that for all intents and purposes should have been wiped off the map a few decades ago. Coming […]

What’s NEW, NOW & NEXT in the MIDEAST?

Rumors of war continue to abound in the Middle East, especially when it involves the nations of Israel, Syria and Iran. However, this is not a new phenomenon. Saber rattling has become the soundtrack resonating throughout the Middle East since the last major Arab-Israeli war of 1973. This 2007 news headline below is just one […]

Prophecies and Headlines Hint of Coming Israeli-Syrian Conflict

As the Syrian civil war winds down and President Bashar Al-Assad remains in power, what’s next for Syria? Is it payback time against Israel for conducting repeated air strikes over the past few years on Syrian soil? Now possessing powerful alliances with Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, Syria is fighting back against Israel’s aggression. On February […]

Bill Salus & Joel Richardson Discuss Mystery Babylon!

On this installment of “A Minute to Midnite,” host Tony Koretz is joined by best selling authors Joel Richardson and Bill Salus. What ensues is a riveting discussion on the identity of Mystery Babylon. The show features the historic debate between Bill and Joel on the DVD entitled, THE IDENTITY OF MYSTERY BABYLON: MECCA OR […]

VIDEO: Jerusalem Embassy Fallout

IS GOD MAKING A MIDDLE EAST STATEMENT THROUGH AMERICA? On December 6, 2017, US President Donald Trump acknowledged Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city. What will be the fallout from that decision? Gary Stearman of Prophecy Watchers TV interviews Bill Salus about the Geo-political and prophetic implications of President Trump’s decision. Bill explains how the international […]

The Two Judgments of End Times Babylon

This article is based on the DVD entitled, “The Identity of Mystery Babylon: Mecca or Rome?” The DVD was produced from a historic debate between New York Times bestselling author Joel Richardson and myself. Richardson believes that Mecca will be the great harlot city of Revelation 17, and I defended the popular and historic view […]

The Now Prophecies in Zechariah 12 (Video)

Prophecy in the News TV interviews Bill Salus about Zechariah 12:1-6. Bill explains how these predictive verses are setting up to find fulfillment NOW! PART ONE PART TWO

Will 2018 Be a Prophetic Year?

Southwest Radio interviews Bill Salus in a 2-part program to discuss the prophecies that he believes could happen NOW in the NEW YEAR. On the eve of Israel’s 70th anniversary, President Donald Trump decided to acknowledge Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Was Trump merely fulfilling a presidential campaign promise, or did the Lord use Trump to […]


On December 6, 2017, US President Donald Trump acknowledged Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city. What will be the fallout? Gary Stearman of Prophecy Watchers TV interviews Bill Salus about the Geo-political and prophetic implications of President Trump’s decision. Bill explains how the international community has meddled in the affairs of Jerusalem for the past 70-years, […]

Exploring the Similarities Between IRAN and the Ancient Prophecy of ELAM

What is the future for a nuclear Iran? Does the Bible predict a nuclear disaster in this rogue Islamic state? In this short 6-minute interview, which was broadcast on the FOX Network in Oklahoma, Bill Salus and Larry Spargimino explore the striking similarities between Iran’s present nuclear program and the ancient Bible prophecy about Elam. […]