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The Biblical Narrative of Current Events

The mainstream news media only provides the secular worldview about current world events, but the Christian has the biblical narrative and the prophetic perspective to glean from. Whereas, the unbeliever can only guess about the future, the Bible believing Christian can know it with certainty! Bill Salus was recently interviewed on the Hagmann Report. You […]

Bill Salus Quotations About Bible Prophecy

Recently, Bill was asked to provide some of his quotes about Bible prophecy for a media promotional spot. The promo is for the special summer summit throughout the month of July, called “Bible Prophecy in the Pass.” This event will feature four separate prophecy messages taught by Bill Salus at Calvary Chapel Grants Pass on […]

Final Warning to the Final Generation

This Bill Salus article is published in the July 2017 edition of The Last Days Beacon. Click image to read article. WHY SHOULD A BELIEVER CARE ABOUT THOSE LEFT BEHIND? When a Church age believer truly comprehends the tragic plights of the Post Rapture populations, they should be burdened with a sincere concern for their […]

Prophecy at the Pass – 3 Sermons by Bill Salus

You are invited to Prophecy at the Pass. On May 28, 2017, Bill Salus presented 3 prophecy messages at Calvary Chapel Grants Pass in Oregon. You can listen to these messages below. CLICK HERE FOR PART ONE CLICK HERE FOR PART TWO CLICK HERE FOR PART THREE

The Rapture or False Covenant; What starts the Tribulation?

Some Bible prophecy teachers are stuck on the theory that the seven-year Tribulational Period (Trib-Period) starts swiftly after the Rapture occurs. However, many of these teachers admit that it’s not the Rapture that triggers the Trib-Period, rather they acknowledge the Trib-Period commences when the infamous False Covenant of Daniel 9:27 is confirmed. Thus, for them […]

The Antichrist, Mystery Babylon and Israel’s False Covenant – WILL GOD KILL CATHOLICS IN THE GREAT TRIBULATION?

The first major Baptist writing theologian John Gill, (November 23, 1697-October 14, 1771), said: “And I will kill her children with death,…. Her popes, cardinals, priests, Jesuits, monks, friars, and all that join in the Romish apostasy, they shall be killed with death; there shall be an utter extirpation of them in God’s own time.” […]

Psalm 83 – More Relevant Now Than Ever

THIS IS A LEAD COVER ARTICLE ON THE JUNE 2017 EDITION OF PROPHECY IN THE NEWS MAGAZINE. CLICK HERE TO READ THE ARTICLE. Psalm 83 speaks about an Arab confederacy that forms for the explicit purposes of destroying Israel and dispossessing the chosen people permanently from their Promised Land. The pertinent verses are: “Do not […]

New PRE-GAP RAPTURE Theory Excites CHRISTIANS for CHRIST’S Soon Return!

The Bible foretells that without warning, millions of true Christian believers will suddenly disappear into the clouds. This event is commonly called the Rapture. To the unbeliever, this prophecy must seem like something out of the Twilight Zone, a pie in the sky promise, but to the believer it ranks as a top reward for […]

The PRE-GAP Rapture! New Theory About the Timing of the Rapture

The Star-Trek Eschatologist does it again. He boldly goes where no man has gone before by introducing a brand-new theory about the timing of the Rapture. Pre, Mid and Post-Tribbers now have a new view to consider. It’s the Pre-Gap Rapture. Bill Salus explains how the Church gets Raptured immediately  before the Post-Rapture / Pre-Tribulation […]

Disputing the Pre-Wrath Rapture & Decoding the Mystery Hidden Within the Names of the 144,000 Witnesses

What’s wrong with this picture in Revelation 7:4-8? And I heard the number of those who were sealed. One hundred and forty-four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel were sealed: of the tribe of Judah twelve thousand were sealed; of the tribe of Reuben twelve thousand were sealed; of the tribe […]