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Satan’s End Time’s Plan for the Catholic’s Virgin Mary

Do you think that the Virgin Mary of the Catholic Church is actually Mary, the mother of Jesus in the Bible? Pope Francis certainly believes this, as do approximately one-billion Catholics today. Are they correct, or are they gravely mistaken? Because if they are wrong, then Satan has deceived them! Mary personally acknowledged that she […]

Bill Salus Exposes Roman Catholicism as Mystery Babylon

In this episode of Caravan to Midnight, Bill Salus exposes Roman Catholicism as the Harlot World Religion of Revelation 17. Host John B. Wells asks Bill Salus about the prophetic implications of the Trump presidency and several other topics, but the majority of the show explores several of the undeniable connections between Mystery Babylon and […]

Ancient Prophecies Reveal the Catholic Covenant of Death with Israel

Bill Salus and LA Marzulli expose the harlot of Mystery Babylon as Roman Catholicism. Then they reveal her signatory role in the False Covenant with Israel in Daniel 9:27 and Isaiah 28:15-18. Many prophecy experts teach that this covenant, which is confirmed by the Antichrist, is between Israel and the Arabs, but this shocking new […]

Introducing the Post-Rapture / Pre-Tribulation Gap Period

What is the Post-Rapture / Pre-Tribulation Gap Period? This article has been revised from the commentary of the book entitled, “Apocalypse Road, Revelation for the Final Generation.” One of the central purposes of the book is to explore and explain the mysterious gap period that exists between the Rapture of the Christian Church and the […]

Israel’s Tribulation Covenant that Ends this World!

Ancient biblical prophecies reveal that in the last days, Israel will make a peace-pact that is so problematic that the world as we know it ends seven years later. In prophetic circles this treaty is commonly called the “FALSE COVENANT,” the covenant that leads to the “7-YEAR TRIBULATION PERIOD!” What is the true content and […]

Apocalypse Road – the Articles, Teachings, TV and Radio Shows

Click the links below to read, listen or watch the media related information about Apocalypse Road, Revelation for the Final Generation. WATCH THE TRAILER

The Antichrist & His True Identity Revealed- (Lyn Leahz & Bill Salus)

YouTube sensation, Lyn Leahz, interviews Bill Salus about the topic of the Antichrist. The show starts with Lyn Leahz saying. “While many evangelical Christians are anxiously awaiting the imminent return of Jesus Christ in the Rapture, many other Christians and even non-Christians are concerned that His antithesis is already here! I’m talking about the Antichrist! […]

The Antichrist and the 7-Year Covenant between Israel and Mystery Babylon

In this Bible prophecy video Bill Salus explains the events that occur during the Post-Rapture / Pre-Tribulation Gap Period. Discover how Israel will call upon the Antichrist to confirm a false covenant between the Jewish State and MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Some additional things […]

What is the Overflowing Scourge of the False Covenant?

Pastor Tom Hughes asks Bill Salus why does Israel become a signatory to the infamous false covenant of Daniel 9:27? Bill explains that according to the prophet Isaiah, that Israel is attempting to avoid the “overflowing scourge” that is sweeping across the earth. In this edition of End Times TV, Tom and Bill address this […]

Are the 5th Seal Saints Alive Today?

The 5th Seal Saints are people who become believers after the Rapture. If this is the final generation, then they are most likely alive today. They could be a believer’s loved one, perhaps a spouse, child, or grandchild. What happens to them after the Rapture? According to Revelation 6:9-11, they are the first of three […]