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The Apocalyptic Post-Rapture / Pre-Tribulation Time Gap

What Happens After the Rapture? Traditional teaching suggests that the seven-year Tribulational Period begins promptly after the Rapture, but this is not necessarily the case. The people left behind appear to undergo a perilous gap period of unspecified time prior to the Tribulation. This span of time could last for a number of years. On […]

Russia, Iran and Turkey in the News, is it Time for Ezekiel 38?

In this Prophecy Watchers television briefing below, Bill Salus explains the prophetic implications of the emerging world powers of Russia, Turkey and Iran. Does this imply that the 2600-year-old prophecy of Ezekiel 38 is poised to happen. Does the Israel described in Ezekiel 38 exist today? Is Israel dwelling securely without walls, bars or gates? […]

The Great Psalm 83 Debate: Thomas Ice and Bill Salus

Many Bible prophecy experts like Hal Lindsey, Dr. David Reagan and Chuck Missler believe that Psalm 83 is an important prophecy for our time. Others, like Dr. Thomas Ice and Dr. Mark Hitchcock believe the Psalm is primarily a prayer of lament and not necessarily a prophecy. You are invited to watch a televised debate […]

Does Psalm 83 Set the Stage for Ezekiel 38?

This article is revised from the December 3, 2009, article of the same name. Current Mideast rumblings have many eschatologists revisiting a prophetic psalm that had been vastly overlooked. It’s the 83rd Psalm and it discusses the formation of a ten member Arab confederacy destined to someday seek the utter destruction of the nation Israel. […]

White House Correspondent and Prophecy Expert Speak About Current Events

White House correspondent Bill Koenig and Prophecy Expert Bill Salus explain the geo-political and geo-prophetical perspectives of current world events. The mainstream media provides the political, military, secular views of current chaotic world events, but they do not provide the biblical and prophetic perspectives. However, that’s exactly what Bill Koenig and Bill Salus present in […]

Look What’s Coming NOW As America Further Renounces Christ!

Sexual Sin! Abortion! Removing God and Prayer from the Schools! Idolatry! Adultery! Every perversion under the sun! Does the list really end? No; It only gets bigger! America has finally said goodbye, as a nation, to Jesus Christ. America wants to serve Satan. And now, Hell has arrived! America has straight armed God out of […]

Explosive New Information Emerges, The Realities of Now!

Watch this Lyn Leahz YouTube interview with Bill Salus below. The show reveals timely relevant information that you need to know NOW!. The show concludes with a touching personal testimony from Lyn Leahz about her personal abortion challenge. Lyn and Bill share their thoughts about the biblical view about abortions. Here are some of the […]

Brexit, Islamic Antichrist, Roman Empire, Ten Kings, Gog of Magog War & More!

Derek Gilbert from View From the Bunker interviews Bill Salus about several important unfulfilled Bible prophecies. Questions asked include: 1. What is the prophetic relevance of BREXIT? 2. Will the Antichrist be a Muslim? 3. Will there be a Revived Roman Empire? 4. Who are the 15 participants in the Gog of Magog war in […]

Are the UK and USA in Ezekiel 38?

BREXIT, Britain’s departure from the EU on June 23, 2016, has caused some prophecy buffs to question their end times thinking about the “REVIVED ROMAN EMPIRE” in Bible prophecy. In the immediate aftermath of BREXIT, I authored an article to address this concern entitled, BREXIT: The Biblical Perspective for the UK, US and EU. The […]

What Hillary Clinton’s Non-Indictment Means for America’s Future

On July 5, 2016, FBI director James Comey recommended that no indictment would be made against Hillary Clinton for her “EXTREMELY CARELESS” handling of her emails. At the same time that the Comey announcement came, Bill Salus was being interviewed on the nationally syndicated radio show called, Bill Martinez Live. The interview began by talking […]