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Brexit and the Bible: Bill Salus on Skywatch TV Update

Just because Britain’s ‘leave’ vote on its referendum on EU membership may spell the end of the European Union, it doesn’t necessarily mean that Bible prophecy teachers expecting a revived Roman Empire before the end of all things are wrong. Bill Salus, author of The NOW Prophecies, explains how a number of prophecies find fulfillment […]

BREXIT: The Biblical Perspective for the UK, US and EU

On June 23, 2016, the United Kingdom voted to end 43 years of European Union membership. This prompted UK Prime Minister David Cameron to resign, effective in October, from his political post and removed London from the EU, which was its largest city. Immediately, Britain’s exit created global shockwaves! Some of the initial headlines are […]

The Coming Global Transformation (Stearman & Salus on TV)

In this timely television show Gary Stearman and Bill Salus introduce THE COMING GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION. This audio drama tackles these distressing developments head-on by examining specific, ancient prophecies describing the last days and actual recent news reports and events that indicate a global transformation is looming. CLICK IMAGE below to watch this TV show on […]

New Prophecy Theory: Russia to Invade the USA, UK and Saudis!

I was shocked to hear recently on a respected radio show, that author Douglas Woodward has formulated a new prophetic theory! Woodward believes that the Lord has revealed to him that Russia is going to invade America, the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia as per Ezekiel 38:10-13! The radio show is linked on YouTube here. […]

God’s Middle East Peace Plan

Since Israel became a nation in 1948, the international community has been unsuccessful in all of its bids to bring a lasting peace to the Middle East. The latest attempts by France in this regard on June of 2016, will prove to be as nonproductive as its predecessors. The time has come for the global […]

Is Israel Preparing for War Soon?

Over seven years ago, Bible prophecy teacher Dr. David Reagan told me, “Israel will need to get new leaders in place before the Psalm 83 Arab-Israeli war can find fulfillment.” David was interviewing me on his Christ in Prophecy TV show about my book entitled, “Isralestine, The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East.” The […]

Pastor Bill Preaches on the URGENCY of NOW!

Bill Salus put on his Pastors hat for this radio show. Normally Bill focuses primarily upon exploring and explaining end times Bible prophecies, but in this hour of radio he combines preaching and prophecy teaching. For those of you who didn’t know it, Bill Salus is an ordained minister through Calvary Chapel in Big Bear […]

The Biblical Indictment of America (Video)

SHOULD AMERICANS STOP PRAYING for the USA, which has now crossed every forbidden biblical boundary? Jeremiah 7:16, 11:14 and 14:11 points out that a wicked nation can reach a point where the Lord will no longer listen to the prayers of its people. Over the past 6 decades America has forsaken God and now the […]

The Biblical Indictment of America (Article)

World history confirms what the Bible boldly declares: The establishment and future of a city, territory, nation or empire, is determined by the Lord. Concerning the creation of a nation, we are told in Acts 17:26, “And He (God) has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of […]

Now Prophecies on AM 980 Talk Show Radio

Listen to Bill Salus on AM 980, the “ON THE WAY” radio show with host Paul Ridgeway. Paul asks Bill about the NOW Prophecies to be on the lookout for at the present time. A few callers phoned in and asked Bill some questions. A couple of the questions are below. 1. Do you think […]