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Why Psalm 83 is a Prayer and a Future War Prophecy

(Research done by Brad Myers) This article is taken from my book entitled, The FUTURE WAR Prophecies. It is appendix 2 and serves as an extension to the chapter entitled, “Psalm 83: The Final Arab-Israeli War.” It was identified under the subsection of that chapter called the “The Psalm 83 Objections.” It will explain why […]

Hamas in Bible Prophecy

A just released book and DVD by author Bill Salus predicts a major war between Israel and its neighbors including Hamas. The Future War Prophecies identifies four prophecies that identify an epic conflict between Hamas and Israel. These foretellings go well beyond the general skirmishes between these Palestinians and Israelis. These four prophecies are identified […]

The Proxy War that Shakes Israel

This article is taken from my book entitled, The FUTURE WAR Prophecies. The related chapters in the book are called, “The War Between Israel and Syria” and “The Proxy War that Shakes Israel.” Isaiah 17:4-6 pictures Israel going through a powerful “shaking” in the war with Syria that causes the destruction of Damascus in Isaiah […]

Has the Prophecy of Elam in Jeremiah 49:34-39 Been Historically Fulfilled?

This article is taken from my book entitled, The FUTURE WAR Prophecies in the chapter entitled, “The First War of Iran in Elam.” I sincerely believe that the prophecy of Elam in Jeremiah 49:34-39 could be one of the next FUTURE WAR foretellings to find fulfillment. However, some prophecy teachers believe that the prophecy of […]

God Helps Israel Defeat the Arab Armies: (Zechariah 12:1-6)

This article is taken from The FUTURE WAR Prophecies book, in the chapter entitled, “Israel Defeats the Surrounding Arab Armies.”         In the passage below, Ezekiel identifies the Arab states that surround Israel as a “pricking brier or a painful thorn” for Israel. Jeremiah 12:14 calls them “evil neighbors.” ““And there shall no longer be a […]

God’s Two Part Mideast Peace Plan

This article is taken from The FUTURE WAR Prophecies book in the chapter entitled, “God’s Middle East Peace Plan.” It was mid-April of 2014 and I was on the set of the Daystar show entitled, “Marcus and Joni.” They were interviewing me about the impending Mideast-related Bible prophecies to be on the lookout for. One […]

The Role of the Jews in Bible Prophecy

This article was taken from The FUTURE WAR Prophecies book in the chapter entitled, “The Role of the Jews in Bible Prophecy.” In Deuteronomy 32:10 and Zechariah 2:8, the LORD alludes to the Jewish people as the “apple of His eye.” In multiple verses, such as Ezekiel 36:12 and 38:14 the Jews are called, “My […]

Saudi Arabia Befriends Iran and Defriends Israel and America

In a twist of fate Saudi Arabia turned its face toward Iran and in so doing its back to Israel and America. On March 10, 2023, Saudi Arabia reinstated normalized national relations with Iran exemplifying the proverb, “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.” However, in this case the Saudis forgot to keep their […]

Christmas 2022 Special: SSK Flash Drive & FREE Bonus DVD

If Christ comes this Christmas, are you and your loved ones ready? We don’t know the date that Jesus Christ will return, but all the end times signs are converging, which means that the Savior will soon reappear! Bible prophecies are about to roll off their ancient parchments and pack a powerful global punch and […]

Are Jeremiah 49:34-39 and Ezekiel 38 the same event? What about Psalm 83?

In light of current events involving Iran’s rapidly escalating nuclear program, many prophecy buffs are asking their favorite Bible experts how they interpret Jeremiah 49:34-49. The prophecy informs of a disaster, potentially nuclear, that happens in the ancient territory of Elam. According to a long forgotten prophecy, Iran appears to be the subject of two […]