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The Palestinian-Israeli Prophecies of the Bible

This article introduces two important Prophecies regarding the twin brothers of the Bible, Jacob and Esau. Jacob was renamed Israel in Genesis 32:28 and he fathered Israeli descendants. Esau, Jacob’s older twin brother, fathered the Edomites according to Genesis 36:1,9. Invaluable insights into the roots of the present Palestinian – Israeli conflict can be gleaned […]

Biblical Prophecy is Finding Fulfillment as Events Unfold across the Mideast

Biblical prophecy appears to be nearing fulfillment as today’s headlines seem to point toward the 2600 year-old parallel end-times prophecies issues by the Hebrew prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel concerning modern-day Iran. We are bearing witness to the rogue country becoming a nuclear nation and aggressively advancing its hegemony throughout the greater Middle East. Jeremiah’s foretelling […]

Operation Wakeup Call – THE PROPHECIES ARE COMING!

Whoever came up with the idea that people should wake up each morning to the frightening sound of an “alarm clock?” That annoying intermittent buzzing sound raises our anxiety level before we set foot out of bed. It suggests that the new day is something to be alarmed about. Fortunately, some alarm clocks greet us […]

Exploring Some Imminent Prophecies (Audio)

Host Paul Ridgeway from the “On the Way with Ridgeway” radio show interviews Bill Salus about the imminent prophecies about to occur. Topics like Psalm 83, Ezekiel 38, Jeremiah 49 and more are explored. Also, the future of America in Bible prophecy is discussed. Bill explains why he believes America is included in Ezekiel 38 […]

New Video: Is Time Running Out? Cahn, Salus and Biltz

Many biblical scholars are now claiming that we are living in the end days, and many prophetic events are lining up that point to that possibility. OUT OF THE MOUTH OF TWO WITNESSES, WARNINGS FROM THE HEAVENS discusses these possibilities through information revealed by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, Pastor Mark Biltz and author Bill Salus. Candid […]

The Future of Israel (Video)

Some 18 Bible prophecy experts dicuss the Israel’s future according to Bible prophecy. The interviews included Tim LaHaye, Bill Salus, Ed Hindson, Andy Wood, David Hocking, Donald Perkins, Gary Fisher, Al Gist and many more. These interviews were aired internationally on the Christ in Prophecy TV show hosted by Dr. David Reagan Christ in Prophecy: […]

Millions Watch Miracle in Iran – PADINA’S STORY

Bill Salus shares Padina’s story on TBN TV. This miraculous story was watched by an international audience numbering in the millions. This is a story about a miracle in Iran that proves Jesus Christ is still in the miracle business. This is a short clip from the heavily watched TBN special END TIMES PRAISE show […]

What is the most amazing prophetic development today? (Video)

Some 18 Bible prophecy experts answer that very question! The interviews were held at the annual conference called the PreTrib Study Group. This is a group of Bible prophecy experts who are united in their belief that the Rapture of the Church will occur before the Tribulation begins, thus the term “Pre-Trib.” Read or watch […]

The Flaws of US Foreign Policy for Israel, Iran & ISIS

This radio show explains the prophetic implications of current geo-political events taking place in Israel, Iran and with ISIS. Also discussed, are the fatal flaws of the present US foreign policy concerning the Middle East. Morning Drive show radio host Doug Kellet asks Bill Salus to give the biblical perspective of the above events. LISTEN […]

World Net Daily 5-Star Review of Nuclear Showdown in Iran

Hundreds of years before Christ, in the ancient empire of Persia, a fiendish plot was hatched. A palace officer named Haman decided to exterminate the Jews. We can read the account in the Bible’s book of Esther, and it makes us realize some things never change. Persia is modern Iran. Queen Esther foiled that plot, […]