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Shocking 2015 Mideast Scenario!

Are the apocalyptic Bible prophecies of Psalm 83, Isaiah 17, and Jeremiah 49 (Elam) about to find fulfillment? If so, which one comes first, and how does it trigger the other prophecies? Watch the video below to see Gary Stearman and Bill Salus explore a Shocking 2015 Mideast scenario that is not too far-fetched. In […]

Southwest Radio – “America and the Coming Mideast Wars”

Jesus said there would be wars and rumors of wars as the world approached His second coming. But does the Bible give us any details about these wars? In this two part radio show with Southwest Radio Church, Bill Salus explains America’s crucial role in the Psalm 83 war, the Ezekiel 38-39 Magog invasion, and […]

Christian TV Host Endorses New Salus Book!

Dr. David Reagan of Christ in Prophecy TV recently issued a powerful endorsement of Bill Salus’s latest book entitled, Nuclear Showdown in Iran, Revealing the Ancient Prophecy of Elam. Dr. Reagan published a detailed article about the book in his November / December Lamplighter magazine. A couple quotes from the article are listed below. “I […]

CBN TV – Does Prophecy Predict Iran’s Nuclear Disaster?

Erick Stakelbeck of CBN TV’s program called THE WATCHMAN interviews Bill Salus about the ancient prophecy of Elam in Jeremiah 49:34-39. Erick and Bill point out that the prophecy probably alludes to Iran’s dangerous nuclear program. The program aired on CBN on election day, November, 4, 2014. Stakelbeck unpacks the Iranian nuclear problem and ISIS […]

Iran’s Nuclear and Spiritual Showdowns

Cindy Hartline of Love for the Truth Radio, interviews Bill Salus about his book called Nuclear Showdown In Iran, Revealing the Ancient Prophecy of Elam. Iran is presently experiencing a nuclear and spiritual showdown, and they are discussed in this timely interview. The alarming details of an ancient prophecy have recently been revealed! A biblical […]

God’s Showdown with Nuclear Iran, Southwest Radio

You are invited to listen to this fascinating two part radio show that was hosted by Larry Spargimino. Larry interviewed Bill Salus about his exciting new book called Nuclear Showdown in Iran, Revealing the Ancient Prophecy of Elam. Bill Salus brings the prophecies of Jeremiah and Ezekiel to life as the world ignores the threat […]

ISIS, IRAN & ELAM, Three Troubling Topics Today

Three troubling topics are currently burdening the minds of many Christians; ISIS, IRAN and ELAM. Perhaps you thought the topics were ISIS, IRAN and EBOLA. Ebola is also a disturbing global concern, but Elam is an ancient biblical term that is beginning to be discussed more frequently in Christian circles. Who is Elam? Elam is […]

Bill Salus TV Teachings & Interviews (Frequently Updated)

The teachings of Bill Salus have been featured on many popular Christian TV networks internationally, like TBN, CBN, and Daystar to name a few. To view some of these TV shows, click on the links below. These shows are not listed in any specific chronological order. CLICK HERE TO WATCH TBN’S SPECIAL “END TIME’S PRAISE” […]

ISIS, EBOLA or IRAN; which is the Elephant in the Room?

ISIS, EBOLA or IRAN; which is the Elephant in the Room? Recently, Bill Salus was interviewed on Messiah’s Branch Radio. The ISIS crisis and concerns about the spread of Ebola started the broadcast. Then, the discussion shifted to America’s apathy toward the mounting dangers emanating in the world in general, and the Middle East more […]

Gary Stearman’s back in the Saddle Again!

“Extra! Extra! Read All About It!” Prophecy Depot is pleased to present you with some good news. Bible prophecy expert Gary Stearman, the former host of Prophecy in the News TV, has hooked up with his longtime friend and co-producer, Bob Ulrich, to form a new ministry called “PROPHECY WATCHERS.” Watch the video below to […]