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The Prophecies to Prepare for NOW!

This article is taken from the Pre-Tribulation Prophecies Prophetic Documentary. (Watch the trailer below this article). Presently, many people have become disenchanted with the fake news that influences the secular world view. They are also becoming genuinely concerned by the unchecked Internet censorship that is beginning to shape the global narrative and frankly, they don’t […]

The Top 20 Pre-Tribulation Prophecies

(Article taken from The Pre-Tribulation Prophecies: A Prophetic Documentary) This article is intended to acquaint you with the top twenty Pre-Tribulation prophecies. These are ancient predictions that are about to roll off of their parchments soon and pound down on the world’s pavement. These are globally impacting events that could happen before the Seven-Year Tribulation […]

Are Demons the Disembodied Spirits of the Nephilim?

This article is alluded to in my upcoming book entitled, “The Millennium Prophecies and the New Jerusalem.” It is referenced in the book’s chapter entitled, “The Final Destinations of Satan, the Fallen Angels and Demons.” In that chapter I provided five reasons that Fallen Angels and demons are not likely the same species. The fifth […]

Did Fallen Angels Father the Nephilim?

The Bible alludes to at least two groupings of fallen angels. Long ago, the first group voluntarily departed from heaven, but the second group will have to be forcibly evicted. The future deportation of the second group results from a war in heaven between Michael the archangel and Satan. This event is prophesied about in […]

America 2021, the Nineveh or Jerusalem Principle?

In 2021 will America have a Nineveh moment or is it presently operating under the Jerusalem Principle? The prophet Jeremiah explained the two guiding principles of God when it comes to the fates of nations. I call them the Nineveh Principle and the Jerusalem Principle. The Nineveh Principle had already had historic precedent by the […]

Tribulation versus Great Tribulation

This article was taken from the book entitled, The LAST Prophecies: the Prophecies in the First 3 1/2 Years of the Tribulation. (Watch the trailer at the end of this article). The Bible separates the Seven-Year Tribulation Period into two phases by calling the first half the Tribulation and the second half, the Great Tribulation. Refer […]

Computer Viruses & Scientist Assassinations, What’s Next in Israel’s war with Iran?

In an attempt to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon and develop ICBMs, Israel has been conducting covert operations against the rogue nation over the past two decades. Computer viruses and nuclear scientist assassinations have been two primary methods utilized in this undercover warfare. In 2010 Israel employed the Stuxnet computer worm virus that […]

The Top Three Telltale Signs of the End Times

The last days, latter days, latter years and the time of the end are a few scriptural expressions of the biblical end times. The fact that this present earth has an expiration date is a central theme within the Bible. Apocalyptic predictions appear to be currently rolling off their ancient parchments and pounding down on […]

Instructions for the Tribulation Saints Before Armageddon

This article is taken from the Bill Salus book entitled, The FINAL Prophecies: The Prophecies in the Last 3 ½ Years of the Tribulation. _________________________ “Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.” (Rev. 16:15) The verse above […]

The Antichrist’s 4-Day Trip to Jerusalem

As the image below illustrates, several powerful predicted events take place during the midpoint of the Seven-Year Tribulation Period. The prophecies are all compacted into an extremely short time span. Be it a day, week or on the outside chance maybe a couple of months, they all happen suddenly. This article focuses on the specific […]